Bay 2 Breakers
I love to dress out. There's something incredibly fun about being someone else for a while, just acting silly and grab everyones attention. I should definitely do it more often. This time around the excuse for dressing out was called Bay 2 Breakers - a annual race from the east side of town to the west side of town. It started as a serious race for athletes, and it still is, but it has evolved into a big, mostly pink, masquerade. People head to the park in their outfits to get drunk, and this year on a sunday. I found a pretty cheap wig, borrowed a dress from Maja and dressed like a girl (of course). Johan mostly closed his eyes and screamed "Get away! You look like a russian army hooker." A very good verdict indeed.
I don't know if I'm sending out some sort of attracting light or if I'm just awesome at dancing. But somehow I manage to start dance floors all the time. This one is the biggest one so far, by far. We were walking down the street and saw a guy playing some mellow music through his window. We shouted "Hey, turn up that volume and put on some good music!". He did and we started to do the Christmas Tree (TM). The first ones to join were some pink dressed ladies. Then came the ladyboys. After 30 minutes the whole street was crowded with people dressed in various colors. After 45 minutes people filled the stairs to the house, and right after someone even closed of one lane in the car filled street behind us, just so that the dance party could expand. LEGENDARY!
Postat av: Paps
Härligt, men seriöst, var det verkligen ert gäng som startade allt? Tvivlande
Postat av: Ramne
Kul grej! Men jag stödjer Pappa Blomborg i tvivlandet =D
Postat av: Eric W
Inte fulast utklädnad! Wtf?
Postat av: mams
Du är faktiskt söt även som tjej. Är det en blond pippiperuk du hittat. Jag tror helt klart på att ni kunde få igång det hela. Jag tvivlar inte..så det så